Busting 6 Meditation Myths

There are thousands of people interested in meditation, who haven’t started yet. Many of them, I think, because they’ve heard some of the many pieces of mis-information around. This post hopes to set straight some of the more common ones.

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7 Tips to Help You Get Better at Meditation

As a beginner, it’s quite likely, that you’ll wonder if the time you’re putting into practice, is even worth it. “I don’t seem to be making any progress. How do I get better at meditation” This article will try to allay your fears and help you to keep making progress and get better at meditation….

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Beginner’s Meditation Breathing Practice

This post is about helping beginners stay focussed using a simple breathing technique.

After trying lots of different techniques, including dozens of different guided meditations, I finally found something that worked for me. Hopefully, it can do the same for you.

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