Mental health is an issue that effects more people every day. Especially at the moment, with Covid-19 always in the background. Never really knowing from one day to the next what we can and cannot do. Where we can and cannot go. Or how many people we can see.

There’s legal ramifications for doing things we used to do without a second thought. The entire World has changed and people are feeling more isolated than ever before.

Taking care of your mental health should be a priority. To help you find some direction, I’ve put together 10 mental health tips, to help you stay sane in these mad times.

So, let’s get into it…

  1. Make sure you get enough sleep.
  2. Get regular exercise
  3. Have a daily routine
  4. Keep a to-do list
  5. Set up a ‘Buddy Group’ with family and friends
  6. Morning Mindful Meditation
  7. Start a hobby
  8. Take a course
  9. Practice gratitude
  10. Smile

Get enough sleep

I know it’s tempting to binge watch all those shows you’ve been putting off for months. But, if you don’t get enough sleep, it’ll effect everything else you try to do throughout the day.

If you get the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep every night, it’ll help you start your day off energized.

Get some regular exercise

Exercise is benefitial for every one under normal circumstances. The situation at the moment is anything but normal and regular exercise is even more important.

If you’ve never been one for exercising before, then take it slow. We don’t want you to go pulling any muscles now! If you need some ideas or inspiration, take a look on YouTube. You’re sure to find something that lights your fire.

The video below from ‘Body Project’ is an ideal exercise routine. You can do as little, or as much as you like. Most important is to do something.

Have a daily routine

It’s good to have some regular structure in our lives. And having a program of things to do gives us a purpose each day.

When we drift through each day without a plan, we sometimes get caught up in distraction. Before we know what’s happening, another day has passed us by.

Here’s a few ideas to get you started…

  • Set your most important tasks for the day
  • Meditate to prepare yourself for what the day brings
  • Fill out your Journal
  • Schedule time for your hobby
  • Work on your goals

Keep a to-do list

Make a to-do list

Following on from the last item, put your tasks for the day into a To-Do list. Once you have your list, you can work through them in which ever way seems most productive to you. It’s generally always best to do the most important, or difficult thing first. Or… ‘Eat your frog‘.

Set up a ‘Buddy Group’ with family and friends

If you’re self-isolating, or you’re in an area on lockdown, arrange a daily chat on Zoom, Skype, or FaceTime, etc. with people you trust. It doesn’t have to be the same people, or person every day, but talking to other people will lift your spirits and help you feel less isolated.

Morning Mindful Meditation

Regular meditation is helpful in so many ways, it’s one of the best things you can do. You can start by simply concentrating on your breath for a few minutes every day, then building up slowly when you’re ready.

Start a hobby

If you already have a hobby, that’s great! Providing, of course that it’s fits with any current restrictions. If it doesn’t, or if you’re not sure what you’d like to do, here’s a couple of links that should help.

Take a course

This is a great time to increase your skill level, or maybe break into a new area. There are many online training providers around, between them covering just about everything you could ever want to learn.

Some courses you have to pay for, but most of them provide MOOC courses for free, where you can upgrade to get a certificate once you complete the course. Here are some examples to check out:

Practice gratitude

Be thankful

Take a few minutes every day to think about the things you’re grateful for. They don’t have to be life-changing things. Some ideas could be, the ability to walk in nature, having the support of a loving family, being able to see, or hear, being able to afford a new pair of shoes, sleeping in a comfortable bed, HAVING a bed!

There will always be someone worse off than you, so take some time to appreciate that.

This is also a good use for your journal. Make a note every day of the things you’re grateful for. It’ll build into a powerful way to see just how lucky you are, when you’re feeling down.


A smile has the power to completely change the way you feel. This post from highlights many of the benefits.

So, whether you decide to watch something funny on the TV, listen to a comedy podcast, or read a funny book, or magazine, make time to smile everyday ๐Ÿ™‚


Well, there you have it. 10 ways to improve your mental health during the current pandemic. But, remember… these things are great mood boosters even without the additional stress of our present situation.

I highly recommend you use them not only for now, but throughout the rest of your life. Mental strength and fortitude should be fostered constantly using techniques like these. And they’re fun, so why wouldn’t you?

If you have any ideas to add to the list, please let me know. Share the love ๐Ÿ™‚


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