Fake it ’till you make it?

You could certainly fake confidence to the degree that other people would see you as a confident person. And, it’s definitely a good strategy to use while you’re building your own confidence levels.

Actors fake it everydayPeople have been faking confidence for years. Have you ever been watching a TV show, or Movie where one of the characters is a charismatic and totally self confident person? Then a few weeks later he’s playing the part of a master criminal, or drug dealer, etc.?

Actors, act. I know that’s not really a revelation. But when you watched them play either part, did you think, “wow, he’s good at acting”, or did you just see him as the person he was portraying?

My guess, is that you saw them as the person they were pretending to be? Act confidently and people will perceive you as confident.

To a large degree, what you think other people’s reaction to you will be, influences your level of confidence.

In a person that lacks self-confidence, this generally surfaces as an increase in stress levels. Possibly sweating and a racing heart beat. Plus thoughts of previous failures and embarrassing situations they’ve suffered.

Whether, or not you’re a confident person is based primarily upon the things you were told as you were growing up. By the way you were chastised as a child. By the way you were treated by your peers at school and a whole heap of other things that determined your belief system.

How do I fake confidence then?

To change a belief can be a relatively simple thing to do, given the correct circumstances. One of the things that can speed it up, is to convince your brain that it’s already happened.

As I mentioned in my confidence and success workbook, your mind loves to be right and will do whatever it takes to prove it.

Act as if‘ is a phrase that can be heard often in psychological circles. It’s an effective mindset to remember. By Acting as if you’re already confident, your sub-conscious mind will try it’s best to reinforce that ‘fact’.

Think yourself confidentWhenever you feel yourself becoming tense about a situation, consider how you would feel if you were a confident and powerful person. How would you be standing? What would your posture be? What sort of things would you be saying to yourself? How would you be breathing, etc.? Once you know how a confident person would act in this situation, simply copy those things.

The idea is to go through the routines of being a confident person. Even though initially, they may feel forced, continue doing them until being confidence in that situation becomes real.

When you act confidently, you’ll be surprised how helpful your mind will be. I believe that thoughts are things; whatever we focus and take action on consistently, will become true.  By acting as if, you’re presenting to your mind that you’re confident. It wants to help, so releases the thoughts and feelings that assist in making you feel confident.

With practice, you’ll automatically feel confident whenever you are confronted with that same situation .

Why not give it a try? I think the effect will surprise you!

Had success you’d like to share? Let me know. Your success can help someone else be successful , so share the love  😉


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