Everyday Confidence Podcast
Two-Minute Tuesdays
Create A Morning Routine to Help Build Your Confidence - Ep31

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On today’s 2-minute Tuesday Podcast, I talk about creating a simple morning routine to help you build your confidence. I give you 3 simple ways to help start your day off the right way. Helping you to feel energized and good about yourself.


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Podcast music: Is ‘Sweet Life’ by Twisterium.
Music Link: https://www.twisterium.com

Podcast Transcript:


Hello and welcome to 2-minute Tuesday, On today’s show I’d like to quickly introduce morning habits to increase confidence.

So, morning habits have been around for years. Having a specific routine that you follow every morning is one of the most popular ways to make sure you have a great day. And being confident starts with with feeling good about yourself. So I’m going to give you three things to do every morning, to start your day the best way possible.

Number one is get up when your alarm goes off. Or, if you don’t use an alarm, get up as soon as you wake up. Staying in bed where it’s warm and cozy might well make you feel good in the moment, but putting off anything, even if it’s just getting out of bed, sends the wrong message to your brain. So, set your alarm and get up as soon as it goes off. And, while we’re on the subject, I know it’s not it’s original meaning, but the term ’you snooze you lose’ is completely true in this context. So, if you’re the sort of person that treats the snooze button as a reminder that it’ll be time to get up in ten minutes, then put your alarm clock away from your bed, so you actually have to get up to turn it off.

Second is have a morning energy playlist. A selection of songs that put you in the mood for action. Thousands of people have a music playlist when they’re exercising, or when they want to unwind and relax, or even when they want to create a romantic atmosphere. Have one of those playlists for helping you to feel good and fully enegized. Now, I’m sure there are certain songs, that as soon as you hear them you just feel good. So, set them up as a playlist and start it playing while you get ready to face the morning.

And then lastly, take five to ten minutes to think about one thing you’d like to achieve for YOU today, something that, at the end of the day you’ll look back and say “I’m really glad I got to do that today”. Then just make a quick plan, to make sure you can get it. Even if it’s just blocking off a period of time during your day to spend on doing just that one thing.

That’s it, three simple things you can do in just a few minutes every day that’ll make a huge difference to how good you feel about yourself at the start of your day.

Now, just before I go. If you do a quick search on the internet, you’ll find hundreds of different things you can add to your morning routine that’ll help make your day more productive. But, start with these three things and build on those as time goes on. Start small and increase slowly. The last thing you want is for your morning routine to become so stressful that you give up on it, because you’ve got too many things to do before your day really starts.

Okay, Good luck with it. Thanks very much for listening. If you’re enjoying the shows, please don’t forget to share your thoughts on social media. If you’re not, let me know why in the comments. Show notes will be at theskillfulmind.com/podcast/31 and until next time, enjoy the rest of your day. Bye for now.

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