Bite size tipsThis bite-size tip, is simply to always ask a better question.

When life kicks you in the ass, which it has an unfortunate habit of doing, step up, and turn that negative situation, into a positive one.

Instead of letting the demon in your head drag you down, ask yourself an empowering question that gets you back on track.



The question can change depending on the situation, but here are a few examples:

What can I learn from this experience?
What’s good about this?
What, about this situation will make me a better person?
What can I do differently next time, to improve my chances of success?
How can I switch this situation around and turn it into a positive?

Ask a better questionI’m sure you’ll be able to think of many more examples. Just remember that no matter what experience you’ve endured, it can have a positive outcome. Choose to ask yourself an empowering question instead of a restricting one.

From today on, whenever you’re hit by a curve-ball, don’t just react. Take a few seconds to ask yourself a question that empowers you.

If you constantly ask better questions, you’ll always get a positive answer. Once you’ve got that positive answer, you can begin to build a better outcome next time.

It’s very easy to slip into a world of self-doubt and blame yourself for everything bad that happens. So, stop the slide before it begins.

In any situation, you always get more of what you focus on. Focus on the negative and you’ll attract more bad. Focus on the positive and you’ll get more good. Don’t believe me? Have a read of this past post about failure.

Do you have any empowering questions that you like to use? Let us know your examples, by sharing them in the comments below.

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